
July 2019

  • Filiz visited Dr. Lingmin Tian’s lab at the Department of Food Science and Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Jinan University (Guangzhou, China) to initiate collaboration on extrusion of protein and fiber-rich foods.

June 2019

  • Filiz visited INRA (Nantes, France) to initiate collaboration with Dr. Magdalena Kristiawan and Dr. Guy Della Valle. She spent a week in INRA discussing future projects on extrusion of plant protein rich products for food and non-food uses.
  • Zoe (Xiang) Li and Filiz Koksel presented at the CIFST’s 2019 Canadian Food Summit.
    • The title of their poster presentation was “Physcial and functional properties of wheat flour extrudates produced by Nitrogen injection assisted extrusion cooking”.
  • We have two new undergraduate students in our team for the summer:
    • Diana Joanna Perez Rabago and Hugo Gonzales, welcome to the team!

May 2019

  • Filiz attended the Soy Based Texturized Protein and Meat Analog Course at the NCI (Northern Crops Institute, Fargo, ND).
  • Filiz attanded and presented at the the Protein Highway Meeting (Fargo, ND).
  • We have a new paper out!
    • Effects of different blowing agents on physical properties of extruded puffed snacks made from yellow pea and red lentil flours (DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.12989).

April 2019

  • Filiz was awarded a GFI (Good Food Institute) grant.
    • Read the article “Making plant-based meats foodilicious!” on University of Manitoba website:

March 2019

  • Filiz was awarded a CFI-JELF (Canada Foundation for Innovation -John R. Evans Leaders Fund) grant.

February 2019

  • We have one new MSc students in our team.
    • Welcome to the team Ravinder Singh!

January 2019

  • The new Winter term at the University of Manitoba started. I wish you all a successful new academic year!
    • This term I am teaching Fundamentals of Food Engineering at the undergraduate level.
  • We have two new MSc students in our team.
    • Welcome Elyssa Chan and Siwen Luo!

December 2018

  • Filiz was awarded an NSERC-ENGAGE grant.

November 2018

  • Filiz attended to the International Symposium on Recent Developments in Food Extrusion Technology on November 2 at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
    • She gave a talk on the “Use of physical blowing agents during extrusion of cereal and pulse flours”.
  • Filiz also attended the Grains for Wellbeing conference organized by ICC-International Association for Cereal Science and Technology November 6-7 in Taipei.
    • She presented on the “Effects of nitrogen and carbon dioxide gasses as blowing agents on physical properties of extruded puffed foods made from different pulse flours”, co-authored with Dr. Tugrul Masatcioglu (Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey).

October 2018

  • We are on the news! @Winnipeg Sun. Check this link out!
  • We are on the news! Check out this news release from the University of Manitoba on NSERC awards!

September 2018

  • Together with Dr. James House and Dr. Martin Scanlon we are awarded the Small Equipment Research Funds (SERF) from the University of Manitoba ($25,000)
  • The new Fall term at the University of Manitoba started. I wish you all a successful new academic year!
    • This term I am teaching Food Processing II at the undergraduate level. Looking forward to meet all students who are interested in new food processing techniques!

August 2018

  • We are on the news! @Winnipeg Sun. Check this link out!

July 2018

  • We are on the news! @Winnipeg – City News. Check this link out!

June 2018

  • Bastian (Tony) Goonewardena joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Bastian!
  • Marijose Arzamendi attended the The Graduate Student Food Systems and Sustainability Symposium (F3S) in Winnipeg.

May 2018

  • Filiz was invited to give a talk titled “Food for thought: A multidisciplinary approach to food processing and quality” at the Manitoba Materials Conference organized by the Manitoba Institute for Materials.
  • Elyssa Chan and Poznma Mann, two undergraduate members of the FoodPro Lab,  with Dr. Tugrul Masatcioglu and Dr. Filiz Koksel, presented a poster on “Textural analysis puffed red lentil and yellow pea snacks produced by blowing agent assisted extrusion cooking” at the Manitoba Materials Conference organized by the Manitoba Institute for Materials.
  • 2 new undergraduate students joined the FoodPro Lab. Welcome Marijose Arzamendi (Mitacs Globalink awardee) and Haley Pidborchynski (University of Manitoba Undergraduate Research Award recipient). Congrats on the awards!
  • Xiang (Zoe) Li joined the FoodPro Lab as an MSc student. Welcome Zoe!

April 2018

  • Filiz was awarded an NSERC Discovery grant.
  • Siwen Luo joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Siwen!

March 2018

  • New publication: Koksel, F., Scanlon, M. G. (2018) Investigation of the influence of bakery enzymes on non-yeasted dough properties during mixing. Journal of Cereal Science. 79: 86-92.

February 2018

  • New publication: Koksel, F., Scanlon, M. G. (2018) Investigation of the influence of bakery enzymes on non-yeasted dough properties during mixing. Journal of Cereal Science. 79: 86-92.

January 2018

  • New publication: Sapirstein, H. D.,Wu, Y.,Koksel, F., Graf, R. (2018) A study of factors influencing the water absorption capacity of Canadian hard red winter wheat. Journal of Cereal Science. 81: 52-59.

December 2017

  • New publication: Guillermic, R.-M., Koksel, F., Sun, X., Hatcher, D.W., Nickersond, M.T., Belev, G.S., Webbe, M.A., Page, J.H., Scanlon, M.G. (2017) Bubbles in noodle dough: Characterization by X-ray microtomography. Food Research International. 105: 548-555.
  • Filiz became a member of MIM (Manitoba Institute for Materials).

November 2017

  • Elyssa Chan joined the lab as an undergraduate student. Welcome Elyssa!
  • New publication: Koksel F, Strybulevych A, Aritan S, Page J, Scanlon M. (2017). The use of synchrotron X-rays and ultrasonics for investigating the bubble size distribution and its evolution in bread dough. Journal of Cereal Science.

September 2017

  • Filiz was awarded Small Equipment Research Grant from the University of Manitoba.

August 2017

  • Akkavva Wadakappanavar joined the lab as a visiting PhD student. Welcome Akkavva!

May 2017

  • Filiz attended the 1st ICC Asia-Pacific Grain Conference (Xiamen, China) and presented on ‘Effects of genotype and environment on grain, flour, dough properties and gluten protein composition of Canada western red spring wheat’.
  • Filiz was invited to visit Nanjing University of Finance and Economics and gave a talk on ‘The use of X-rays and ultrasound waves as tools to investigate the microstructure and rheological properties of foods’.
  • Filiz was invited to visit Xiamen University and gave a talk on ‘The use of ultrasound waves and X-rays as tools to study mechanical and structural properties of foods’.

March 2017

  • Mengyuan Zhang (Eva) and Katrina MeiWei Leong joined the lab as undergraduate students. Welcome Eva and Katrina!

February 2017

  • Tugrul Masatcioglu joined the lab as visiting professor. Welcome Tugrul!
  • New publication: Koksel F, Strybulevych A, Page J, Scanlon, M. (2017). Ultrasonic investigation of the effects of composition on the volume fraction of bubbles and changes in their relative sizes in non-yeasted gluten-starch blend doughs. Journal of Food Engineering. 204: 1-7.

January 2017

  • University of Manitoba Start-up grant was awarded.
  • Filiz joined the Department of Food Science at the University of Manitoba as Assistant Professor on Jan 1st, 2017